

Ruins Tile detail

 My work involves creating functional ceramics and mixed-media sculptures that investigate interior space and interactions with light. Using the potter’s wheel and other methods, I construct objects with multiple layers which I then carve to reveal the underlying space and interior surfaces. I often design work to be rotated or mounted on the wall, allowing the exposed spaces to be viewable from multiple angles. I find inspiration in ruined structures and the quiet stillness and mystery that pervades abandoned spaces, as well as the natural surroundings of such sites which gradually reclaims them. Light and interior depth are essential aspects of these spaces; a simple beam of sunlight through a window or the shadow cast by a broken wall can be enough to evoke this sense of stillness. My work plays with that experience by inviting an exploration into hidden aspects. The piece can then become a jumping off point for the imagination, and the interior landscape may seem to extend beyond its own physical boundaries.